Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Proyecto Étnico And Espectáculo de World Music

Proyecto Étnico

The Proyecto Étnico was an amazing project performed by Ruben Carrasco and Marcelino. Their goal was to record as many of the native instruments of Argentina as possible with each track focusing on different instruments. The sound came out great. I like how this project kept each track to 2-3 instruments allowing an intimate focus on the distinct sound. This project was recorded in about 6 hours. We used Marcelino’s house in Buenos Aires. The only real problem we ran into was starting the recording around 4pm. I found that the Clicks and Pops that I would periodically suffering from in the past recordings were from power fluxes, in other words when everyone comes home from work and flicks on their lights etc. I get pops. So I had their whole project littered with pops… AHHHH A lot of tedious work to fix but it but, it turned out great in the end.

Espectáculo de World Music

This was a project performed by Ruben Carrasco and Norma Peralta. This is sort of an Argentine fusion mixing indigenous instrumentation and Post Columbian and World lyrics/vocal scales. This was recorded in a 10 hour session at my friends Walt and Fernanda’s house. We got some great tracks and some really interesting expressions.


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